Energy Access Explorer Receives 2023 Group on Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals Award
WRI’s Energy Access Explorer (EAE) platform has been selected as the 2023 winner of the Group on Earth Observations Sustainable Development Goals Civil Society Award. The ESGWG is proud to be in partnership with WRI for the development and continued enhancement of the EAE. This annual award recognizes the productivity, innovation and exemplary efforts in the use of Earth observations to support sustainable development. Launched in 2019, the GEO SDG Awards are presented to organizations making an impact on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The EO4SDG awarding body is led by representatives from NASA, ESA, as well as numerous United Nations departments and national governments. Read more.
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Information about our team, how it was formed, and what our objectives are. Also explaining our Mission and Vision for GIS in the Energy sector of Uganda